20 October 2016
Beef Jerky Horns and Cheese with Walnut Cream
- Beef jerky
- Cheese cream
- Heritage Walnut Cream
- Tomato
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Sherry vinegar
1. Mix the cheese cream with 2 spoons of Heritage Walnut Cream.
2. Place the mixture, as a filling, on a slice of beef jerky and wrap.
3. For the dressing, peel and finely chop the tomato and dress with extra virgin olive oil and some drops of vinegar.
Pepe Esteban
Gastronomic consultory and CAMAPE catering
20 October 2016
Gorgonzola Cheese and Turron Cream Mini Pizza
20 October 2016
Crispy Chicken Roller with Tomato Nutella.
20 October 2016